Supporting UUFCC through Estate Planning

Designating beneficiaries for your financial assets is an important part of estate planning. Moreover, as life circumstances change, your beneficiaries might need to be updated. For many, November marks the start of open-enrollment season and can provide a simple and quick way to make adjustments. Are yours up to date?


A beneficiary ensures that your assets go where you wish from your retirement account, life insurance policy, savings account(s), donor advised fund, commercial annuity, or other account. In addition, there may be tax advantages to passing on assets to charities through your beneficiary designations.


If you are thinking of leaving a bequest to UUFCC, you can easily do so by making the UUFCC a beneficiary of one or more of your assets. Funds that we have received from this practice have supported the projects you see every day in the building: the tile floor and chairs in the sanctuary, our playground equipment, our lift, the new roof, and our parking lot resurfacing. Questions? The Legacy Committee would be glad to help.  Please reach out to Wayne Osgood, Peter Kemper, Peter Jurs, Martha Butler, Cheryl Bohn


Submitted by Claudia Snyder (