We welcome your Weekly E-news submissions. 

Deadline & How To Submit

For publication in the weekly newsletter that currently goes out on Wednesday evenings, submissions must be submitted by 12:00 noon on Tuesday the day prior. Email office@uufcc.com with your content and include "e-news submission" in your email subject line.



You may include pictures; however, please understand that modifications may be made to them in order for the newsletter to remain in a more cohesive style.

Shorten your text for easier reading. (If your submission has lengthy text, we may need to make some modifications to the announcement on the newsletter, and link from the email to a separate page where the full text can be read.)


Submission content should be either directly related to UUFCC or UUFCC members. Unrelated content is subject to review and might not be included.



The Events and Announcements sections follow chronological order; requests to be placed at the top of the e-news will typically be ignored unless the submission is of utter urgency.

This weekly e-newsletter aims to bring interesting and stimulating information to the UUFCC community. An event can be advertised far in advance in the newsletter; but announcements that seemingly have no deadline may not run for more than 4 weeks in a row without changing in some way. (This is to avoid newsletter fatigue; no one wants to see the same exact article in a newspaper for multiple successive weeks, right?)



Additional Information
For groups and committees that are interested in distributing information regarding ongoing issues, guidelines/policies, or otherwise more ‘static’ information, we welcome you to email us at office@uufcc.com to discuss other methods of advertisement/communication.